Jack Sparrow

Hello and welcome! It’s great to see you after these few months of my inactivity. The recent time has been quite demanding for me as I changed employers, and the initial period at a new job is always intense, so I haven’t had much time for blogging. Today, I’d like to use this article as a form of self-promotion :)

Some time ago, I’ve created and published a compass component (which I named maplibre-compass-pro), fully compatible with the MapLibre GL library. In this article, I’d like to introduce you to its API and also show how it looks in a real application.

But first, let me explain my motivation for creating it. On one gloomy autumn evening (autumn is really gloomy in Poland), I watched Pirates of the Caribbean once again. As you probably know, one of Jack Sparrow’s main attributes is his compass, which always points the way to his goal. Since I was working intensively on a map-based application at the time, I began to wonder if there was a library with an advanced compass in a classic style, similar to the one from the movie. By default, MapLibre offers a compass feature, but it’s a very basic version and lacks anything exciting. I coudln’t find the one so I’ve just started coding. Below I’m presenting how maplibre-compass-pro looks like (bottom left corner). In upper right corner you can see built-in implementation.

Compass in Franfkurt

The main features of compass are:

  • predefined sizes (from ‘xs’ to ‘xl’)
  • typescript support
  • possibility to visualize pitch
  • possibility to display cardinal directions
  • and last but not least it just looks awesome 😊

To get started with compass and maplibre you need to write just a few lines of code. Important thing - remember to import both maplibre & compass CSS styles. Otherwise result might be unexpected.

import 'maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css'
import 'maplibre-compass-pro/dist/style.css'
import maplibregl from 'maplibre-gl'
import { Compass } from 'maplibre-compass-pro'

const map = new maplibregl.Map({
	container: 'map',
	style: '/mapStyle.json',
	center: [14.5, 53.4],
	zoom: 11,

const compass = new Compass({ size: 'sm' })
map.addControl(compass, 'bottom-left')

In compass constructor you can specify default view and behaviour.

type CompassProps = {
	size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' // default 'md'
	visualizePitch?: boolean // default false
	displayDirections?: boolean // default false (use cardinal directions instead of needle)
	onClick?: () => void // default map.resetNorthPitch

Below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ you can see code sanbox I’ve prepared earlier. Try it out by checking different sizes and switching between cardinal directions and needle !

It’s also possible to embeed compass in react-map-gl by adding lightweight wrapper component. By the way originally I developed component compatibile with react-map-gl only and I called it map-gl-compass-pro. However, I later realized that this was a mistake because people wouldn’t be able to use it with other frameworks. Therefore, I decided to build a VanillaJS version that would allow for easy adaptation to any application. Map-gl-compass-pro will become the official wrapper for maplibre-compass-pro (I need to spend some time on aligning them). Maplibre-compass-pro is now also on the official list of plugins for use with MapLibre - check out the awesome maplibre page.

If you appreciate my work don’t hessistate to give me a star on github 😅 Also I’ll be more than please to see it embedded in your own application 🚀🚀🚀 With that said, I’ll wrap up today’s episode and hope to see you again soon 👋👋👋

[UPDATE 28.12.2024] I’m happy to inform that my package is also listed on maplibre homepage 🚀🚀🚀. If You appreciate my work don’t hesitate to give me a ⭐️ on github 🙏🙏🙏